Empiricist Decision-Making: PH'1L2

Deciding requires agreements on the facts of the matter. Some deciders assume that the facts will in themselves point to a unique best solution over which there can be no sensible argument.

The method is popular amongst science-based academics and consultants. It is also a common base for much popular advice.

ClosedAlternate Names

Decision Process & Typical Terminology

Note: The schema is artificial. Typical empiricist language is highlighted.

Conceptual Schema Empiricist Handling
Start Note an evident problem and reduce it to a manageable size.
Explore Using available information define the «real» problem in terms of what is meaningful and resolvable.
Develop Possibilities Obtain facts relevant to the problem or hypothesized solutions and pull out implications.
Resolve Recognize the optimal (i.e. unique best) solution and adopt it.
Reiterate Test the solution in a pilot version with comprehensive collection of data.
Implement Promulgate the solution and expect agreement and relevant action.
Review Control process and record progressive results. Obtain evidence to show whether the problem is solved.
Handle Failure Revise the protocol; or redefine the original problem.

ClosedReminder of the Schema Principles

  1. Start — based on some impulse or impetus to act.
  2. Explore — inquiry or further examination of the issue.
  3. Develop Possibilities — discover and consider alternative courses of action.
  4. Resolvethe moment of decision: based on applying value.
  5. Reiterate — often a more detailed repeat of some (even all) earlier phases.
  6. Implement — actions that put the resolution into practice.
  7. Review — inquiry that occurs during action and afterwards.
  8. Handle Failure — the usual way to overcome failure.

Next step:

Test yourself and read more on Empiricist decision-making.
► Continue to the Pragmatic approach
► Return to the Summary Table

Originally posted: 3-Apr-2011